You will no doubt consider a guided tour. In our B&B we can offer you a number of guiding tours from the Belgian coast up to the Somme River.
We can offer you the following tours;
The Ypres Salient East: from Langemark to the Menin Road
The Ypres Salient South: from Hill 60 to Plugstreet
The First World War and the young people of today
(Not) surviving behind the front
ANZAC and the Western front in Belgium and France
Canada and the Western front in Belgium and France
Ypres town in the Great War and the reconstruction
The Belgian front
The first skermishes of the British army in southern Belgium and in northern France
The battlefields in northern France; Fromelles and Vimy Ridge
The Somme battlefields
The historical patrimonium of Ypres all through the centuries
In case you want more information, give a call on 00 32 (0) 470 93 79 80 (Dirk Vernou). Moreover, you can also contact us on
From now on, you can find all necessary information on our guiding on the site on www.the-front-of-ww1-battlefields-be.